Can Head Injury Cause Stroke

Can Head Injury Cause Stroke

A forceful hit or jolt to the head or body is typically what causes traumatic brain injury (also known as TBI, for short). A traumatic brain injury can also be caused by an object that passes through brain tissue, such as a bullet or a piece of skull that has been fractured.


Your brain cells could be momentarily affected if you have a mild traumatic brain injury. A more severe form of traumatic brain injury can cause the brain to bleed, bruise, or even be torn apart, in addition to causing other types of physical damage. These wounds can lead to long-term problems or even death in extreme cases.

When to See a Doctor

Always make an appointment with your primary care physician if you or your child has sustained a hit to the head or body that causes you concern or creates changes in your behavior. Following a recent hit to the head or any other type of traumatic damage to the head, immediate medical attention should be sought if there are any indications or symptoms that could point to traumatic brain injury.


The impact of the injury on the ability of the brain to function can be described using the descriptors “mild,” “moderate,” and “severe.” Even a slight laceration to the brain is considered a dangerous condition that demands immediate medical attention and a precise diagnosis.

Can Head Injury Cause Stroke?

Can Head Injury Cause Stroke

A blow to the head or another type of severe injury to the body is the most common cause of TBI. The extent of the damage may vary depending on a number of aspects, such as the form of the injury and the force with which it was sustained.


The following are examples of frequent occurrences that lead to traumatic brain injuries:


  • Falls. Falls from beds or ladders, down stairs, or while in the bathtub, as well as other falls, especially in older individuals and younger children.
  • Accidents involving motor vehicles Accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, or bicycles, as well as pedestrians who are involved in these types of collisions, are a common source of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Violence. In addition to various types of assaults and gunshot wounds, domestic violence and child abuse are common causes. The term “shaken baby syndrome” refers to a type of traumatic brain injury that can occur in infants as a result of intense shaking.
  • Sports injuries. Injuries sustained in a variety of sports, such as soccer, boxing, football, baseball, lacrosse, skateboarding, hockey, and other high-impact or intense activities, can lead to traumatic brain injuries. These are especially prevalent in younger generations.
  • Injuries sustained as a result of explosions and other forms of fighting. Explosive blasts are a frequent contributor to traumatic brain injuries sustained by service members who are actively serving in the military. This is despite the fact that the mechanism by which the damage takes place is not yet fully known.


In addition to blunt force trauma, penetrating wounds, severe strikes to the head with shrapnel or debris, and falls or physical impacts with objects after an explosion can all lead to traumatic brain injury.

Head Injury Complications

Immediately or soon after sustaining a traumatic brain injury, a patient may experience a number of issues. The likelihood of developing a greater number and more serious consequences following a severe injury is elevated.

Altered Consciousness

A moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can result in changes in a person’s state of consciousness, awareness, or responsiveness that might last for an extended period of time or be permanent. The following are examples of different states of consciousness:


  • Coma. is unconscious, has no memory of the past or present, and is unable to react in any way to any external stimuli. This is the consequence of extensive damage to virtually every section of the brain. 
  • Vegetative state. A state of vegetative consciousness may be the end outcome of widespread brain injury. Even if the person has no awareness of their environment, they may open their eyes, make sounds, react with reflexes, or move.
  • There is a chance that a person can remain in a vegetative state indefinitely; nevertheless, most people eventually move on to a level of little consciousness.
  • State with very little or no consciousness. In certain cases, it serves as a transitional state between a vegetative state or coma and a greater degree of recovery.
  • Died of brain damage. The term “brain death” refers to the state in which there is no detectable activity in either the brain or the brainstem. Removing artificial breathing support from a patient who has been pronounced brain dead will result in the patient’s respiration stopping completely and, eventually, their heart giving out. It is generally agreed that brain death is irreversible.

Physical Complications

Can Head Injury Cause Stroke
  • Seizures. People who have suffered catastrophic brain injuries may be more likely to experience seizures. It’s possible that the seizures won’t show up until much later in the process or even years after the damage. Post-traumatic epilepsy is a term that refers to recurrent seizures.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus). People who have had traumatic brain injuries may experience increased pressure and swelling in the brain as a result of cerebrospinal fluid that has accumulated in the areas in the brain known as cerebral ventricles due to the buildup of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Infections. Fractures of the skull or lesions that penetrate the skull’s surface can cause tears in the layers of protective tissues (meninges) that surround and protect the brain. This can open the door for bacteria to enter the brain, which can then lead to infections. If meningitis is not treated, the infection could spread to other parts of the nervous system and cause more serious complications.
  • Blood vessel injury. An injury to the brain caused by trauma can cause damage to a number of blood arteries in the brain, both small and large. This damage might result in a stroke, blood clots, or other complications down the road.
  • Headaches. After sustaining a traumatic brain injury, it is highly normal to suffer from headaches on a regular basis. They might start appearing as soon as a week after the accident, and they might continue for as long as many months after that.
  • Vertigo. Following a traumatic brain injury, vertigo, a disorder characterized by dizziness, is experienced by a significant number of patients.


After sustaining a traumatic brain injury, a person may have some or all of these symptoms over a period of time ranging from a few weeks to a few months. In most cases, these symptoms are referred to as persistent post-concussive symptoms when they persist for a lengthy period of time after an individual has sustained a concussion.

Can Head Injury Cause Stroke

An injury to the brain caused by trauma can cause damage to a number of blood arteries in the brain, both small and large. This damage might result in a stroke, blood clots, or other complications down the road.


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