Vomiting may be an indication of a condition that is getting worse, in contrast to the normal side effects of a head injury, which include dizziness and nausea. A single incident of vomiting, on the other hand, is not typically considered to be anything to be concerned about.
After sustaining a head injury, you are going to find out what causes vomit after head injury and what it implies for your recovery today. In addition, we will discuss several beneficial home remedies that might relieve nausea and vomiting that lasts for a long time.
Causes of Vomiting After Head Injury
- Malfunction of the vestibular system Injury to the cerebellum or the inner ear can lead to issues with balance and dizziness, both of which have the potential to induce vomiting in some individuals.
- Migraines. Certain head traumas can result in severe headaches or migraines, which, in turn, might cause an individual to vomit.
- Skull fracture. Additionally, a skull fracture will produce excruciating pain, which may induce nausea and vomiting.
- Hematoma. A harmful accumulation of blood that forms known as a hematoma. Repeated vomiting is one of the symptoms that you may have a hematoma.
Even though nausea and vomiting are symptoms of hematomas, the presence of a hematoma is typically accompanied by more than one indication or symptom. Other symptoms of a hematoma include the following:
- Headache that is steadily becoming worse
- One pupil that is dilated indicates weakness
- State of having lost awareness
- slurred or jumbled speech
- Seizures
If a person experiences vomiting after a head injury but does not exhibit any of the other symptoms listed above, it is safe to assume that they do not have a hematoma. However, it is still recommended that they get checked out by a medical professional.
What Does Vomiting After Head Injury Mean?
According to the findings of certain research, having a skull fracture after a concussion is often connected with having vomited after the injury.
However, other studies have demonstrated that a single instance of vomiting after a head injury does not raise the likelihood of sustaining an intracranial injury. This was found to be the case in both animals and humans.
That is to say, vomiting by itself is not an indication of a serious injury; rather, it is an indicator of a serious injury when accompanied by other symptoms.
How Long Does Vomiting Last?
Depending on the severity of the concussion, vomiting may not develop for several days or even weeks after a head injury has occurred. On the other hand, the occurrence of it ought to get less frequent as time goes on.
If it does not go away, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
The presence of violent and persistent vomiting in the immediate aftermath of a head injury is a more concerning indicator than the appearance of one or two episodes of vomiting spaced out over a period of many hours.
Bring the individual to the hospital as soon as possible if they are unable to stop throwing up and are unable to keep any food or beverages down.
Treating Vomiting After Head Injury
You may want to give some home remedies for nausea a go after your doctor has ruled out the possibility that a serious ailment is the root cause of your symptoms. These might help you throw up less frequently.
Deep Breaths
In addition to calming anxiety, practicing deep breathing can help minimize feelings of nausea.
To perfect the art of deep breathing, you need only shut your eyes and take slow, deep breaths via your nose. Allow your lungs to get completely full of air, and then hold the position for three seconds.
Finally, let your breath out gradually via your mouth. Repeat a number of times until you no longer feel sick to your stomach.
A significant number of individuals have reported that acupressure is effective in alleviating nausea and vomiting. Acupressure is derived from the ancient Chinese medical technique of acupuncture, which targets certain pressure points on the body in order to alleviate various illnesses. Acupressure was first developed in Japan.
The inner wrist is home to a pressure point that works well for relieving nausea and vomiting. To locate the pressure point, carry out the following actions in order:
- Keep your hand in front of your face with the palm towards your chin and your fingers pointed toward the ceiling.
- Put the first three fingers of the hand that is not your dominant hand across your wrist.
- Position your thumb so that it is directly beneath these three fingers. Under your thumb, there are two tendons that you ought to be able to feel. That right there is the point of pressure.
- While maintaining pressure with your thumb on this place, move it slowly around in a circle for two minutes. Pressure should be firm but not so hard that it hurts.
Ear lobes are an additional pressure point that can assist in alleviating the symptoms of nausea. Massage the lobes of both ears in a circular motion for two minutes or until the feeling of nausea fades, whichever comes first. This point might also help ease your worries.
Fluids and Ginger Root
Keeping yourself hydrated is absolutely necessary, but it is especially important if you are throwing up frequently. Be sure to take your time and savor each sip of drink so as not to disturb your stomach.
The following are some examples of beverages that can both keep you hydrated and calm your stomach:
- Mint tea
- Lemonade
- Ginger ale or ginger tea
- Water
After a brain injury, aromatherapy may also help lessen feelings of nausea and vomiting. When you want to practice aromatherapy, try breathing into an open bottle of essential oil. There is also the option of using an oil diffuser.
Lavender essential oil, which gives many other benefits to individuals who have suffered brain injuries, is effective for treating nausea. Other oils that you could use include the following:
- Lemon oil
- Frankincense
- Clove
- Chamomile
- Peppermint
- Rose
Last but not least, there are drugs that can help lessen feelings of sickness and vomiting. Pepto-Bismol and Dramamine are two over-the-counter medications that are frequently used to treat nausea and motion sickness. There are also prescription anti-nausea medications that could be prescribed to you by your doctor if you find that you require something more potent.