6 Things You Should Know About Independent Living

6 Things You Should Know About Independent Living

If you are getting ready for retirement or already there, you may be thinking about making a change to your current living arrangement. Moving to an independent senior living community could be one option you’re considering, and if so you may have a few questions. That makes sense since this is such a major transition, and that’s why NewGait presents this list of common questions and answers about independent living. 

What Does Independent Living Really Mean?

Reading “independent living” may conjure up images of nursing homes. In reality, independent living is far from assisted living or skilled nursing home care. This term covers all sorts of living options for older adults, including retirement communities, co-ops, and senior apartments. Care is not provided for residents but there are amenities and features to make their lives easier. So really, independent living can preserve your independence and your quality of life in retirement. 

What are the C0sts of Independent Living?


Since independent living can refer to so many different senior living arrangements, it only makes sense that costs vary. On average, seniors pay anywhere from $1,500 per month to $6,000 per month to live in a retirement or other independent living community. Keep in mind that this amount may also cover utilities and amenities, Which can make it a pretty good deal for seniors. 

When you’re ready to start looking for independent living or nursing homes, depending on your needs, sites like SeniorCare can help you locate a facility that’s within your budget. You can search based on your zip code and look at different facilities based on their ratings. It’s a good idea to have a loved one help you out with this process, as they may think of questions or concerns that don’t immediately come to mind.

How Do Seniors Pay for Independent Living?

In terms of paying these monthly fees, you can look at it as you would buying or renting a home in any other situation. This is how most communities work, and you will likely need to use your own income to cover costs associated with living there. Selling your home can help with costs and you can always do a little research into the local housing market before reaching out to a real estate professional. That way, you will have a better idea of the sort of price and timeline you can expect. 

What About Seniors Living on a Fixed Income?

There’s no question that a $1,500 to $6,000 monthly expense can be overwhelming for many senior citizens. However, one aging study found that half of all seniors living alone do not have the income needed to cover routine living expenses. If you are living on a fixed income, you can see if there are government-funded senior housing options in your area. You can also look into different local organizations that assist underserved populations. 

Are there Other Resources Available for Seniors?


According to the National Institute on Aging, isolation is a serious public health problem for older adults and seniors. Isolation can of course have negative mental health impacts, but there are physical health effects as well. You may be looking into independent living because you are trying to avoid loneliness, and making the transition can certainly help. If, however, you prefer to stay in your current home, you can look into additional community programs for seniors. 

When is it Time to Consider Assisted Living Instead?

If you are looking for more company or amenities to make your golden years more comfortable then independent living may be the right choice for you. However, if you are having trouble managing daily tasks, like getting dressed, taking medications, and making your own meals, an assisted living community may be a better fit. These activities are known as ADLs and can be challenging for many older adults. Assisted living can also be appropriate for health conditions. 

Moving homes is always a major transition, regardless of your age. Even so, making a move to independent living is not the same as transitioning into assisted living. You have so many more options and making this move can help you make the most of your golden years. You can sell your home and/or use your retirement income to help with independent living costs, but there may also be government or community programs available. Explore all your options, and don’t make a decision until you’re absolutely ready to do so.



Importance of Movement Big or Small: How Activity Keeps People Healthy

Importance of Movement Big or Small: How Activity Keeps People Healthy

Importance of movement

Movement is essential no matter how big or small it is. We keep hearing this line from people, but most of us do not know WHY this is important.

Let’s have a closer look at this WHY.

Though our bodies are very much different from cars, let’s assume for some time that they are like cars. What happens to a vehicle if you do not drive it for a while? What happens if it remains in a place and does not move for a certain period? You know the answer. The same thing happens to our body if we do not move regularly like:

  • Our body tends to stiffen.
  • We start feeling pain and aches in different parts of our bodies.
  • We get prone to many diseases.
  • We might feel weak. 

And the list goes on.

Movement affects our body as a whole. It generates signals in our muscles and bones. These signals are then transferred to our brain. Movement helps in building strength and keeping our body fit. It keeps our body flexible, and at ease.

Besides improving strength and flexibility, moving our body has several other beneficial effects.  These effects are unknown to most people.

Movement and Joints’ Health

Did you know that the large joints in our body have a covering around it known as the capsule? This capsule contains a fluid called synovial fluid. Synovial fluid acts as a nourishing agent for our joints.

Our movement enhances the function of this fluid. It helps in reducing friction on articular cartilage.

The movement also increases blood circulation. Thus, exposing this synovial fluid to a constant blood supply and nourishment. A healthy synovial membrane protects our bones from friction which in turn protects our joints.

Movement and Blood Circulation

We all know that blood circulates in our bodies. Our heart pumps blood to all parts of our body via arteries which then goes to the heart via veins. These veins in our legs are present between muscles. When the muscles contract, it has a squeezing effect on the veins that push the blood towards the heart. Owing to this effect, some people experience swelling in their legs if they sit for a long time.

Movement and Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

High blood pressure and cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart stroke. Movement, however, can help in lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.  Carrying out small exercises helps us to keep these diseases under control.

Movement and Blood Glucose

Here’s another reason for which you might want to exercise: your blood sugar level. Most of us are unaware of the fact that high sugar levels can have harmful effects on our eyes, kidneys, nerves, etc.

Movement helps us to lower elevated levels of blood glucose and keeps you healthy.

There are several other benefits of movement so you can’t list them all here. All we need to do is to focus on the significant outcomes of moving to keep ourselves motivated. If you have not been moving or exercising for the past few days, months, or years, it’s time to do it now because




How to Care for Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

How to Care for Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple sclerosis is a serious health condition and a number of persons suffer from this disease. Before you learn how to care for a patient suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, you must first know how this disease affects your body.

Do you know how it affects the body? 

Multiple Sclerosis affects both the brain and spinal cord. Sclerosis means the hardening of tiny tissues, and Multiple is added to it because it affects both the brain and spinal cord. 

In MS, the immune system attacks the protective covering (myelin sheath) of nerve fiber and causes communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This disease can sometimes cause permanent damage to nerves.

The cause of Multiple sclerosis is still unknown, but according to many studies and research, genetics and environmental factors are responsible.

People with Multiple Sclerosis often feel numbness and weakness in limbs. Many people are unable to walk independently. The gait is also disturbed in such patients. The blurring of vision and slurred speech is also common in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Treatment Options

There is no cure for multiple sclerosis. Treatment is mainly focused on speeding the recovery from attack and slowing the progression of the disease.

Primary treatment options include


Medications do not cure the disease permanently. However, they reduce the symptoms of disease and prevent the relapse of illness.

  • Corticosteroids are used for the treatment of attacks of disease. It reduces nerve inflammation.
  • Interferon-beta medications are used to reduce the frequency of attacks.
  • Muscle relaxants are used to reduce the stiffness and spasm in the legs.
  • Medications like amantadine help to reduce the fatigue caused by Multiple sclerosis.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has a significant role in modifying the symptoms of the disease:

  1. The Physical Therapist teaches you stretching and strengthening exercises.
  2. The Physical Therapist helps you to stay active.
  3. The Physical Therapist teaches you how to use assistive devices like a cane, walkers, etc. so that you can walk on the ground freely.

Care for Multiple sclerosis

Here are some tips that can make it easier to deal with patients with Multiple sclerosis

  • Balanced diet
  • Exercise
  • Avoid heat
  • Psychosocial therapy

Balanced Diet


As we all know, a balanced diet is crucial to living a healthy life. Everyone can get benefit from a nutritious diet, especially the patient with multiple sclerosis. There are no particular guidelines mentioned about eating. 

According to many types of research, eating a low-fat and vitamin-rich diet can benefit people with multiple sclerosis. Eating a healthy diet can help to maximize your energy levels and support your bowel and bladder movement. 

A better diet can help you avoid high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and abdominal fat, which can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin D also has potential benefits for Multiple sclerosis patients. For example, it can help reduce pain around joints which is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis.

Do you know? Using alcohol can worsens the condition of the patient with Multiple sclerosis. Patients with multiple sclerosis should also limit the use of alcohol as much as possible. The use of alcohol can intensify the symptoms of Multiple sclerosis, such as lack of coordination and walking difficulties.


Mind-Body Connection

Exercises can offer many benefits to the patient with Multiple sclerosis. These benefits can range from mental to physical. Regular physical activity helps you to stay active and fit. Exercises can help you improve muscle strength, tone, balance, and coordination if you suffer from mild to moderate multiple sclerosis.

Do you know? 

Walking for 20-30 minutes can improve your gait and balance. Other activities like yoga, pilates can also improve the condition of the patient. The intensity and duration of exercise should depend upon the patient’s condition because, in multiple sclerosis patients, you feel great one day but tired the next day.

Some exercises that can help Multiple sclerosis patient and prevent relapse are here.

  • Working out in pools can be a great activity in treating multiple sclerosis patients. Swimming and walking in pools are effective for joint pain. Water belts and other equipment can be used depending upon the condition of the patient.
  • Strength training like wall squats can e performed to increase the strength of leg muscles, which helps improve the patient’s gait.
  • Wall push-ups can be performed to improve the strength of arms. This can be performed in a sitting or standing position.
  • Balance training is important for multiple sclerosis patients. Marching in place can be the best exercise for these patients as you are challenging your body by shifting weight from one side to the other.

Avoid Heat

When you have Multiple sclerosis, only a slight temperature rise can worsen your symptoms. As you know, multiple sclerosis can damage your protective sheath around nerve cells and slows down the signal. The heat can slow these signals even more.

People with MS should avoid

  • Taking hot baths
  • Going out in hot weather
  • Taking heavy meals

People who have multiple sclerosis should wear cooling collars when exercising. They should wear clothes made of cotton and linen that allow air to move freely, which helps to stay cool. Drink plenty of water.

Psychosocial Therapy


People suffering from long-term illnesses are often stressed out. Mental health is vital no matter what you are going through. Multiple sclerosis is also included in diseases that cannot be cured completely. The patients are often depressed because they are unable to perform the daily tasks. Stress can trigger and can cause relapse.

The patient should learn techniques to reduce stress. They should understand that everything is not under your control.

Many techniques can help you calm things down. Close your eyes and try breathing exercises, take few deep breaths, and loosen your tense body. Let go of your tensions, rotate your head in a smooth circular motion, roll your shoulder, and relax completely.

It will help if you stay connected to your friends and family. Socializing can decrease many of your tensions and worries. Friends and family can support you in your hard time. As much you stay active and happy, your chances of relapse decrease.



Multiple Sclerosis – What to Eat & What to Avoid

Multiple Sclerosis – What to Eat & What to Avoid

We all know that managing multiple sclerosis is not an easy task. Everything from medications, performing exercises, and maintaining positive mental health becomes essential. However, while balancing physical activities, we often overlook the most important thing—our diet. 

Diet has a vital role in treating multiple sclerosis, which is why you must know what you should eat and what needs to be avoided. To understand the importance of diet in multiple sclerosis, you should first understand what happens in your body if you have multiple sclerosis.

What Happens in Multiple Sclerosis?

Our body’s immune system is designed to fight the harmful organisms that attack our bodies, such as viruses, bacteria, etc. However, in Multiple Sclerosis, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own body, especially the widely distributed nerves in your body.

This attack by your body’s immune system damages the covering of the nerves, i.e., Myelin, and the function of these nerves is disrupted.

These nerves are responsible for many functions such as movement, vision, balance, etc., and when the nerve gets damaged, its function is affected. As the name (Multiple Sclerosis) indicates, this damage occurs at multiple sites in your body; hence different symptoms are seen, such as muscle weakness, loss of balance, visual problems, etc.

The Connection Between Diet and Multiple Sclerosis

As mentioned above, multiple sclerosis occurs when your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the outer covering of your nerves, i.eMyelin, a diet that affects your immune system, also affects the progression of this disease.

  • Some diets support and protect your nerves (or nervous system), and they can help minimize the relapsing episodes.
  • Some vitamin deficiencies can weaken your nervous system, and they can indirectly worsen your symptoms.
  • A healthy diet improves the overall well-being, and hence the ability to fight several diseases together with multiple sclerosis is increased.
  • Some bacteria are naturally present in your gut, and they play a beneficial role in your body in several ways. Both healthy and unhealthy diets have effects on these bacteria.

As diet is closely linked with multiple sclerosis episodes and symptoms, one must be very careful in choosing his/her diet if one has multiple sclerosis.

Foods You Should Eat

Now, when you understand the importance of diet in multiple sclerosis, let’s have a look at the foods you should eat.


Probiotics and Prebiotics

As mentioned earlier, there are some beneficial bacteria present in your gut. These bacteria are responsible for breaking up food and nutrients, and they also help in the digestion process.

Probiotics are foods that contain these beneficial bacteria. Eating these foods increases the number of these beneficial bacteria in your body. These foods include

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Fermented tea

A diet that promotes the growth of such beneficial bacteria in your gut is known as the probiotic diet. This type of diet mainly contains fiber. These foods include:

  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes


The fiber in your diet helps nourish your gut bacteria, manages your blood cholesterol levels, and reduces the risks of obesity. Recommended foods for fiber are as follows.

  • Vegetables
  • Legumes (e.g. Lentils)
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Brown Rice
  • Whole grains

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for improving bone health in multiple sclerosis patients. Vitamin D can be achieved by appropriate exposure to sunlight, but certain foods can also help gain it.

  • Fortified Dairy Products
  • Yogurt
  • Orange Juice
  • Egg Yolks

Vitamin B

Vitamin B or biotin has a vital role in minimizing the episodes of relapsing multiple sclerosis, and one can gain it by following foods.

  • Eggs
  • Yeast
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Whole-wheat bread


Other important components of a beneficial diet for multiple sclerosis patients include fruits, vegetables, herbs, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, etc.

Foods You Should Avoid

Just like some foods protect and support your nervous system, some foods have a terrible effect on your already compromised nervous system in multiple sclerosis patients.

Besides this, some foods are not suitable for your muscles and bone health, and as they are already weakened in multiple sclerosis, you should avoid these foods.

Let’s have a look at the foods you need to avoid if you have multiple sclerosis.

Saturated Fats

Unlike polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s), foods containing saturated fats are not suitable for health, especially for those already fighting neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Foods with a high amount of saturated fats are as follows.

  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Palm and coconut oil
  • Red meat, etc.


A high amount of sodium in the body can result in elevated blood pressure (hypertension), and hypertension can increase heart disease and stroke risks.

A study done in 2015 showed that people with multiple sclerosis who have high sodium levels in their bodies are more prone to experience relapsing symptoms of this disease. [1]

Foods containing high levels of sodium are as follows.

  • Salted or canned meat
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Sausages
  • Canned entrees
  • Beets

Sugary Foods

Just like a high amount of salt is not suitable for your body, foods containing a high amount of sugar also negatively affect your well-being.

A high amount of sugar or glucose in your body can affect the nerves in your body (neuropathy) and decrease their function. As nerves are already damaged in multiple sclerosis, a high amount of sugar in the body can be damaging to your health.

Foods containing a high amount of sugar are as follows.

  • Ketchup
  • Yogurt
  • Chocolate
  • Cola
  • Fruit Juice
  • BBQ sauce

Fried Foods

Foods fried in a high amount of oil can also be damaging to the health of multiple sclerosis patients. In addition, when a person has a neurological disease and their body is busy fighting that condition, chances of getting affected by other diseases are also increased.

Oily and fried foods increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This increased cholesterol can result in several heart diseases. It can also result in stroke if the blood supply of your brain is interrupted or blocked.

Most commonly used fried foods include fish, fries, chicken strips, and cheese sticks, but a person can deep fry any food.

Final Words

If you have multiple sclerosis, you should eat foods beneficial for your nervous and musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) system and avoid foods that can increase the risks of other diseases.


1. Riccio, P. and R. Rossano, Nutrition facts in multiple sclerosis. ASN neuro, 2015. 7(1): p. 1759091414568185.



A Senior’s Guide to Thriving When Transitioning to Assisted Living

A Senior’s Guide to Thriving When Transitioning to Assisted Living

This is the kind of content you can expect from the NewGait. Visit our blog for more.

Making the transition from your home to an assisted living facility can be difficult. However, this move can benefit you in many ways. Leisure Care explains that this shift can help seniors avoid a decline in health and combat feelings of loneliness, for instance. There are steps you can take to ensure you thrive in your new environment. It’s important to commit to your health and happiness to ensure you can enjoy your later years.

Read on to discover what steps you can take to ensure a seamless transition from your old home to your new assisted living community.

Prepare for the move well in advance

Don’t rush the move to assisted living. Research facilities thoroughly before choosing one. Consider practical elements like location, as well as extras that will help maintain your health. For example, some assisted living communities offer exercise courses. Before you move, you also need to decide what to do with your old home. Find out how much you can get for selling your house using an online calculator like this one from Redfin.

Decorate your new space to make it feel like home

You want to feel emotionally at ease in your new space. When you’re preparing for the move, pack a box of some essential comfort items like a favorite throw blanket and family photos. When you arrive in your new space, you can unpack this box immediately to settle in. Aging Care offers more tips for making an assisted living space feel like home, like decluttering beforehand to make for an easier move.

Enjoy healthy meals with other residents and caregivers

Many communities offer meals for residents, giving you an opportunity to get to know your new neighbors. Sticking to regular mealtimes is especially important for seniors, who tend to have slower metabolisms — meaning, they must get more nutrients while eating smaller portions. The National Council on Aging provides nutrition tips that can help guide your meal choices, emphasizing the need for lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Take advantage of exercise opportunities to maintain mobility and independence

In addition to meals, many assisted living communities also offer opportunities for exercise. Take advantage of these courses. According to BioMed Research International, regular physical activity is essential for healthy aging. If you have mobility issues, the NewGait can help you get back on your feet. This physical therapy device helps promote better walking, building strength, balance, and coordination.

Socialize with other residents to stay mentally sharp

When you go to meals or take part in exercise courses at your assisted living community, make a point to socialize with others. Actively engaging with people helps to maintain mental acuity with age. Further, feelings of isolation or loneliness can cause health issues like depression, anxiety, and hypertension. A lack of socialization is also linked to a greater risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, according to Senior Lifestyle.

Invite visitors to help you mingle

If you’re shy, you may have trouble taking steps to integrate with your assisted living community. Even striking up a conversation in an exercise class or over a meal can be tough. Call on friends or family to help. A visitor can be a great way to spark up a conversation — all you have to do is introduce them to others. They can then help facilitate the discussion. Check your community’s guidelines in case there are visitation restrictions.

Take advantage of opportunities to try something new

In addition to regular exercise courses and meals, your assisted living community may host special events, holiday get-togethers, and educational courses. When you have an opportunity to try something new, take it! Harvard Health Publishing explains that novel experiences challenge your brain and maintain mental acuity. Plus, you never know if you’ll discover a new hobby that you can enjoy in the future.

Give yourself time to adjust emotionally 

Even if you follow all of the above steps, you may find yourself experiencing emotional ups and downs as you settle into your new assisted living community. Don’t be afraid to reach out for emotional support. The National Institute of Mental Health provides a comprehensive guide to senior mental health, including how to recognize warning signs of issues like anxiety and depression. A mental health professional can provide guidance if needed.

Making the change and moving from your old home to a new assisted living community isn’t always easy. However, it will benefit your emotional and physical health in the long run. The above guide explains how to ensure a seamless transition.



What is Foot Drop and How You Can Treat It

What is Foot Drop and How You Can Treat It

Foot drop is a common word used in healthcare settings. But do you know what foot drop is?

Foot drop is a condition in which the foot is hanging downwards, and the person is unable to bring their foot up. It is not a disease itself but a consequence of an abnormality in the brain, spinal cord, nerves, or muscles.


Two major movements that occur at your ankle joint are Dorsiflexion (when you bring your dorsum or the upper facing part of foot towards your shin) and Plantarflexion (when you move your plantar surface (sole) towards the ground).

In foot drop, the foot is constantly in plantarflexion, and the person is unable to perform dorsiflexion movement

What Causes Foot Drop?

To understand the cause of foot drop, you must understand how movement occurs in your body. Muscles are responsible for moving our bodies. A network of wires (known as nerves) supplies messages to these muscles. These nerves originate from the spinal cord (in your spine). The major control center is your brain (in your skull).


So if you want to move the dorsum of your foot towards the shin, your brain generates a message that travels down to the nerve (common peroneal nerve) which is then supplied to the dorsiflexor muscles via the spinal cord.


When this nerve stimulates the dorsiflexor muscles present in your leg, your foot moves towards your shin (Dorsiflexion).


If you know how you are able to move your foot normally, you’ll also understand that any condition that affects your brain, spinal cord, nerve (common peroneal nerve), muscles (dorsiflexor) can cause foot drop.


Following are the major causes of foot drop.

  • Trauma to the common peroneal nerve (fracture of fibula, knee or hip replacement surgeries)
  • Conditions affecting brain and nerves (Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Conditions affecting muscles (dystrophies)

Foot Drop and Gait

Foot drop can result in alteration of gait pattern of individuals. A person may lift his foot high in the air by bending their hip and strike their foot on the ground with a high force (Stepagge gait pattern).


Another commonly seen strategy is that the person swings their leg from the side to avoid dragging the foot while walking. This gait is known as the circumduction gait pattern.

Treatment Options


Treatment of drop foot depends upon the cause. If the major cause of foot drop is compression on the common peroneal nerve, it can resolve on its own when the compression is relieved. On the other hand, if this condition results from a complete tear of the common peroneal nerve or irreversible damage to the brain or spinal cord, foot drop persists and makes walking difficult.


Minor cases of foot drop (with the capability to resolve) can get better with physiotherapy, focusing on dorsiflexor muscles’ training and electrical muscle stimulation.


Surgical options include repair of the common peroneal nerve and tendon transfer of Tibialis posterior to substitute the action of Tibialis anterior.


The most commonly used option for managing foot drop is Orthosis or Bracing.


The orthosis or brace holds the foot in a neutral position. During walking, when a person’s foot touches the ground, the brace allows the foot to go down (in plantar flexion) and pulls it back into a neutral position when the person lifts his leg and swings it to take a step.


The suitable treatment option for each case of foot drop varies from person to person.


Watch the foot drop recovery story of our patient MaryEllen Grage. Multiple Sclerosis has nearly immobilized MaryEllen with foot drop and balance/stability difficulties. She believes that with The NewGait, she can walk normally again.

